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10- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild:

No big deal, it's only the consensus game of 2017. The game many belief is the best ever made. The game that somehow managed to actually outsell the Nintendo Switch itself on launch. 
Still no idea how that actually happened, but it did.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a legitimate masterpiece that strips back the open-world genre to its core elements and rewrites its DNA for pure adventure.

It's a world alive with surprise and dense with detail. An incredible, milestone achievement.

9-Super Mario Odyssey:

Here is a list of trash words that don't come close to describing Super Mario Odyssey: inventive, dazzling, smart, seamless, joyful, creative.
This video game is very good. Also, I have two words for you: Mario nipples.
This is the first video game to showcase that yes, Mario does actually have nipples. 
Super Mario Odyssey is a Nintendo game that continues in the spirit of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. All bets are off, everything you thought you knew about Mario has been reinvented. But here's what remains: perfectly tuned, precision gameplay that feels incredible every second your hands are on the controller.

8-Mario Kart 8 Deluxe:

Mario Kart 8 was initially released on the Wii U. It was great then, it's even better now with all the additional content and ability to play on the move.
Not too much has changed with the series, but Mario Kart 8 is about as definitive as it gets. It's stacked with playable characters, inventive tracks, and brand new features. It remains the most compelling multiplayer game on the Nintendo Switch.


Celeste is a video game that makes you want to lodge your controller in your TV -- in a good way.
Featuring incredible level design and flawlessly tuned precision platforming, Celeste is one of the best games of its type ever released. It's smart, charming and dense with content.
It's also perfect for the Nintendo Switch. You'll be hurling obscenities at this game on public transport and you'll love every second of it.

6-Splatoon 2:

Splatoon 2 is very similar to the first Splatoon. It's barely a sequel in the traditional sense but, much like Mario Kart 8, that doesn't make it any less essential. 
Splatoon's high concept is pure genius and extremely Nintendo. It takes the first-person shooter, traditionally a violent genre, and flips it on its head. You're shooting paint, not bullets. You don't score points for shooting enemies, you score points by shooting the environment itself. 

5-Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle:

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is just so goddamn stupid. I can't believe it even exists.
I also can't believe how good it is. It doesn't even make sense. Everyone had a good ol' chuckle when Mario + Rabbids was announced. Then it was released and it turned out to be one of the best games on the Nintendo Switch.
It's Mario meets XCOM, which is to say it's a turn-based tactical role-playing game. Except you battle killer rabbits with laser guns.


Arms is a motion-controlled game that's like boxing. Except you have big stretchy robot arms and everyone has special powers. Obviously.
Which is to say Arms is a very Nintendo-esque version of boxing.
It's also extremely inventive and surprisingly in-depth. There are layers to Arms and a genuine strategic element. It's not perfect, but Arms is bizarre, inventive and a lot of fun.


Playing DOOM on the Nintendo Switch also rules. Sure, it's a little compromised compared to the versions you might play on the PS4, Xbox One or on a decently specced-up PC...
But yeah, good luck lugging one of those on the train.

2-Stardew Valley:

Stardew Valley is the perfect example of why the Nintendo Switch is a game-changing device. 
Here is a game that is perfectly good on all the platforms it's currently available on (PC, Xbox One, Vita, PS4) but on the Switch it's just elevated
Because of the nature of the Switch (and how it allows you to just passively play while watching TV, or on public transport), it's perfect for a game like Stardew Valley -- which is the digital equivalent of knitting a scarf.

Actually, all games are just better on the Switch. All of them. 

1-Mario Tennis Aces:

Mario is pretty good at sport. As is Nintendo when it puts its mind to it. Mario Tennis Aces give us what we haven't had for a remarkably long time -- a good tennis game. n
Mario Tennis Aces have all the polish you'd expect from a Nintendo sports game. It's good stuff.

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